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Balboa School University Acceptance
Balboa School is proud to announce that one of their international students from China, Andy Du, was accepted to the University of Iowa. ...

我们对中国东莞学校Nancy Burke Bar老师的文学课程感到非常兴奋。 过去一个月,她一直在努力工作开展新的互动课程,参加包括学生周内轮流的几个电台活动。 每节课学生都被引入到新的文学概念,这些概念通过包括戏剧,演示,游戏,阅读等在内的各种活动得到加强。学生也被鼓励创...

Interactive Literature Classes
We are all very excited about Nancy Burke Barr’s Literature courses here in Dongguan, China. She has been working very hard over the...

中国成都巴尔博亚国际教育项目的新生,步行到了很远的体育园。 这是一次非常好的户外活动,他们的外国老师Brent能在户外时间里更好地了解课堂外的学生。 学生玩了很多有趣的游戏,享受了这次实地考察。

Chengdu Field Trip
New students at the Balboa International Education Program in Chengdu, China went on a long march to the local sports park. It was a...

在Martha小姐的电影研究课上,学生们观看了电影“少年派的奇幻漂流”。 看电影的同时,学生对电影中出现的各种宗教产生了许多疑问。 将他们的问题用作跳板,学生被要求两人一组研究电影中的四种宗教之一。 这个项目让学生利用自己的好奇心以动态的方式进行学习。...

Student Projects
In Miss Martha Lee's Film Studies class, students watched the movie Life of Pi. While watching the movie, students generated many...

巴尔博亚男子篮球队星期四在中国进行了第一场比赛。 巴尔博亚队虽然刚刚到达中国还未倒过时差,但仍在对阵广州省排名第一的高中篮球队的比赛中取得了决定性的胜利。 广州实验中学高中篮球队队员们尽了最大努力,但依然大比分落后于我们的巴尔博亚学校队,巴尔博亚赢得了第一场89-41的比赛...

Balboa School Basketball Victory
The Balboa School men’s basketball team competed in their first competition in China on Thursday. Despite just arriving and suffering...

Top American High School Basketball Team Visits China
Balboa International Education welcomes the Balboa School men's basketball team, a top ranked team, to China. The basketball team will...
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