Dalian Jiahui Sunshine High School
School Name
Nearest Airport / Train Station
Meals Provided?
Number of Foreign Teachers
Subjects / Grades Taught
Description of School Location
Apartment Description
Apartment Location
Other Information
Dalian Jiahui Sunshine High School
Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
Dalian International Airport
Lunch is provided
This 2017-2018 year will have3 teachers on campus
High School: Writing, Literature, US Government, Economics and US History.
The School is located near Fujiazhuang Beach (5-minute walk). It is near the intersection of Binhaizhong Road and 81 Road. It is very close to the scenic mountainous Dalian coast line, while also being located quite close to downtown Dalian and can be reached from nearly anywhere in the city in less than a half an hour, by car. It is a lovely part of the Dalian.
The current apartment is a bit spartan and may be or may not be rented again next year. The current occupant is satisfied with it, but he admits that he is rather easily satisfied.
Off Campus
Balboa International Education's parent company has had offices in Dalian for over 20 years so this location can offer additional support.