Zijiang Middle School
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Zijiang Middle School
Zijiang City, Fujian Province, China
Xiamen International Airport, Quanzhou International Airport
High School: Grade 10 and Grade 11. Classes include: introduction literature, world literature, writing, and US History.
The area near Zijiang Middle School is a developing area that has an ancient stone bridge that is the biggest attraction in this area. The bridge is centuries old and is there to be crossed. Next to the bridge there is an ancient temple and tower. This area is being developed and across from the bridge there are newly built stores and restaurants. This is a perfect place to develop teaching skills and learn Mandarin. This is also a good place to learn about the Hoklo people, one of the China's most fascinating minority groups.
The teacher's apartments are located on campus.​
On Campus
Zijiang Middle School students are almost always on time to class and ready to begin at 7:30am. This school started with 14 students dedicated to learning English literature and writing. Not an easy task for even native speakers, let alone students who speak English as a second language. The school leadership is very good at informing about changes to schedule due to events or special circumstances. They are supportive in how we teach the program and do not micromanager teachers. The school administration is dedicated to building a strong international department for the betterment of the students and the future of the school. The school develops a real family atmosphere among the students, parents, and staff. Many birthdays and holidays are celebrated with the students and staff. A teacher coming to Zijiang Middle School will know the students, parents, and staff very well and will have extra support when discovering what is great about China.