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聚龙外国语学校一年级的学生正在为即将开始表演的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”进行学习和练习。 在老师Doug的指导下,我们期待聚龙学生能够成功的再现莎士比亚戏剧。

Romeo and Juliet Practices
First year students at Julong Foreign Language School are rehearing and learning lines for their upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet....

在大学申请中,很多学校会要求写一篇文书来说明申请者为什么会对他们学校感兴趣。这个时候,有的学生会出现一个失误,就是铆足了劲地夸奖这个学校怎么怎么好,名声有多大。 学校他自己很清楚自己的名气,不需要申请者再去强调。在这个问题里,学校想看到的是学生申请该校的个人理由,为什么这个...

College Essay Advice
A general question for a college application essay is, “Why Us?” The university wants to know why the applicant is choosing this...

我们成都学校的外籍员工在鹿山国际高尔夫球场的练习场进行团队建设活动。 球场在学校的街对面,很方便。

Chengdu Team Building
The foreign staff at our Chengdu School has a team building activity at the Luxehills golf course driving range. Conveniently this is...

上周子江中学改变教学模式,让学生成为老师,教他们感兴趣的东西。学生 Penny (Huang Binyi)和Jessica (Guo Siqian) 教同学们怎样剪纸,Smile (Luo Congxiao)和 Hebe (Chen Siyu)教同学怎样做鸡蛋。

Students Become the Teacher
Zijiang Middle School last week changed things up by having the students become the teacher and teach something they were interested in....

我们的美国老师参加了中国泉州五中的体育运动会。 一次令人兴奋的活动,老师和学生们休息了大脑,锻炼了身体。 泉州五中运动会 我们的老师在开幕式上 Jack赛后休息 Stephen参加100米比赛

Sports Day
Our American teachers participated in the sports day activities at Quanzhou No. 5 Middle School in China. It was an exciting where...
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